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Claycomb School Relocation & Restoration

The Greenwood County Historical Society and Museum is embarking on a new project. We are asking for the support of the community and the museum patrons to help us reach our goal of moving Claycomb School into our museum property and restoring it. Please see…

February Quilt of the Month

Our quilt of the month for February is a Rail Fence pattern. This quilt was made from material from the WPA Sewing Room Projects in the 1930’s. The pieces for the quilt were given by Anna Mae Vaughn who was a sewing room supervisor. She gave…

Kim Gorman Joins the Staff at GWCHS

Kim Gorman joins the staff at the Greenwood County Historical Society, filling the position of part-time secretary. Kim will be here to help you on your visits to the museum on Thursday and Friday. She will be helping with accessioning new items, organizing artifacts and…

Claycomb School Update 11-21-2024

Excitement is building at the Greenwood County Historical Society as work on the Claycomb School Project becomes more evident. Work is continuing in preparation to move Claycomb School to the lot west of the museum. Crews from Unruh House Mover in Galena, KS are working to…

Claycomb School Update: 11-13-2024

Work continued last week on the Claycomb School Project as Ramsey Construction poured the foundation walls. The Historical Society is excited about the opportunity to preserve this part of Greenwood County History. Plans are that the school will be moved to the site next week.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Greenwood County Historical Society Museum. Volunteer Carma Wilson, Museum Director Robin Himes and Deanna Thornton have been hard at work decorating the display areas with Dickens Villages, Christmas trees, Nativity scenes and other holiday decorations.…

Christmas Tree Quilt

This quilt was made around 1813 by an unknown maker in the Essick family in Pennsylvania and later brought to Kansas. It was donated by Leda Bobbitt Essick Christleib in 1976. The quilt is of the Christmas Tree pattern. It has a white…

The Claycomb School Foundation has Been Poured

What an exciting day at the Greenwood County Historical Society. Ramsey Construction began pouring the footings for the Claycomb School Project shortly after 12:30 this afternoon. The Historical Society Board is very appreciative of those community members who have contributed to this project. We look…

The Claycomb School Foundation is Being Prepped

Foundation work is underway this morning for the Greenwood County Historical Society’s Claycomb School project. The rain hasn’t dampened the plans that were set for this week, and digging began about 10:00 this morning. The footings will be poured either this afternoon or tomorrow morning.…

Claycomb School Update

The Greenwood Historical Society is making progress on plans to move the Claycomb Schoolhouse onto the lot west of the museum. Stakes were set yesterday to mark where the foundation will be poured. Work for this phase of the project is slated to start next week…

6th Graders Visit Historical Society Museum

The Greenwood County Cattlewomen, with support from the Greenwood Historical Society and Mr. Mike Pitko, organized a local history lesson for 6th grade students. During the lesson, students learned about the pivotal role that the cattle and oil industries played in shaping the community's development.…